What is business credit?

Business Credit is a company’s ability to borrow money to purchase products or services. You basically buy now on credit and pay later with your business account. It is considered as a loan or a line of credit to a company. You need to obtain a DUNS Number in order to establish business credit.

What is a DUNS Number?

Is obtain from Duns & Bradstreet. It is a 9-digit unique number that is assigned to your company that will identify the business. You will need this before applying for any tradeline, if you want your payment to be reported.

What is a Business Score?

A business score is a number that determines if your business is in good standing to receive a business loan.


How many Tiers are in Business Credit?

There are 4 tiers in business credit. It can take at up to a few months to leverage each tier.


What credit bureaus report Business Credit?

There are three major credit bureaus for business credit:


  • Duns & Bradstreet

  • Experian Business

  • Equifax Business


Apply to the below accounts to start building your business credit today and see results in 90 days. 

Nav is an online company that provides business and personal credit reporting accounts. It's basic plan offers free access to a multitude of tools, including credit reports. The company also offers paid services, like identity theft protection and more detailed reporting. Nav has a plan for $40 per month. They give you your business credit scores and report your $40 payment as a business tradeline to ALL the business bureaus.

Instantly starting your business credit profile.

Jumpstart your Business Credit today.


Click here to get started: http://nav.nkwcmr.net/c/3112513/675356/2410

Divvy Fast and flexible business credit.

Divvy makes it easy to access the funding you need, no matter the size of your business.

It's free to use for the entire company, plus earns 1-7x rewards.

*Multiple ways of Underwriting 

*Scalable credit line

*Unlimited virtual cards

Click here to get started: https://rb.gy/pmtq0v

Virtual Business Bank Account

  • There are no monthly fees, no transaction fees and no minimum balance requirement.

  • Easy to setup — Link up your other banks and easily transfer funds from your business to your personal accounts.

  • Deposit checks and transfer funds easily using the Novo app.

  • Get Immediate access to funds through with the Novo Virtual Card.

  • The world's best integration for your business.

Apply for Novo https://rb.gy/hyljgh